ProseKit Components are styled using Tailwind CSS or UnoCSS. Pick the one that you like.
Tailwind CSS
Add Tailwind CSS
Install Tailwind CSS following the official guide.
Add dependencies
shellnpm install prosekit tailwindcss-animate @egoist/tailwindcss-icons @iconify-json/lucide
Add the following plugins to your Tailwind CSS config.
jsconst { iconsPlugin, getIconCollections } = require('@egoist/tailwindcss-icons') const animate = require('tailwindcss-animate') /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,jsx,ts,tsx,vue,svelte}'], plugins: [ iconsPlugin({ collections: getIconCollections(['lucide']) }), animate, ], }
That's it
You can now start adding the editor to your project.
Add UnoCSS
Install UnoCSS following the official guide.
Add dependencies
shellnpm install prosekit unocss-preset-animations @iconify-json/lucide
Add the following presets to your UnoCSS config.
tsimport { defineConfig, presetIcons, presetWind, } from 'unocss' / import { presetAnimations } from 'unocss-preset-animations' export default defineConfig({ presets: [presetIcons(), presetWind(), presetAnimations()], })
That's it
You can now start adding the editor to your project.