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Slash Menu

A popup that shows a list of command suggestions after pressing /.


Copy and paste the following code into your project.

import { useEditor } from 'prosekit/react'
import {
} from 'prosekit/react/autocomplete'

import type { EditorExtension } from './extension'

export default function SlashMenu() {
  const editor = useEditor<EditorExtension>()

  return (
    <AutocompletePopover regex={/\/.*$/iu} className='relative block max-h-[25rem] min-w-[8rem] select-none overflow-auto whitespace-nowrap p-1 z-10 box-border rounded-lg border border-zinc-200 dark:border-zinc-800 bg-white dark:bg-neutral-900 shadow-lg [&:not([data-state])]:hidden'>
        <AutocompleteEmpty className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'>
          No results

          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.setHeading({ level: 1 })}
          Heading 1
          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.setHeading({ level: 2 })}
          Heading 2

          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.wrapInList({ kind: 'task' })}
          Task list

          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.wrapInList({ kind: 'bullet' })}
          Bullet list

          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.wrapInList({ kind: 'ordered' })}
          Ordered list

          className='relative block min-w-[8rem] scroll-my-1 rounded px-3 py-1.5 box-border cursor-default select-none whitespace-nowrap outline-none data-[focused]:bg-zinc-100 dark:data-[focused]:bg-zinc-800'
          onSelect={() => editor.commands.wrapInList({ kind: 'toggle' })}
          Toggle list


Add the SlashMenu component to your Editor component.

import 'prosekit/basic/style.css'

import { createEditor } from 'prosekit/core'
import { ProseKit } from 'prosekit/react'
import { useMemo } from 'react'

import { defineExtension } from './extension'
import SlashMenu from './slash-menu'

export default function Editor() {
  const editor = useMemo(() => {
    return createEditor({ extension: defineExtension() })
  }, [])

  return (
    <ProseKit editor={editor}>
      <div className='box-border h-full w-full min-h-36 overflow-y-hidden overflow-x-hidden rounded-md border border-solid border-gray-200 shadow dark:border-zinc-700 flex flex-col bg-white dark:bg-neutral-900'>
        <div className='relative w-full flex-1 box-border overflow-y-scroll'>
          <div ref={editor.mount} className='ProseMirror box-border min-h-full px-[max(4rem,_calc(50%-20rem))] py-8 outline-none outline-0 [&_span[data-mention="user"]]:text-blue-500 [&_span[data-mention="tag"]]:text-violet-500'></div>
          <SlashMenu />

API Reference