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Emits for the InlinePopover component.

openChange: (event: boolean) => void

Fired when the open state changes.


Props for the InlinePopover component.

defaultOpen?: boolean

Whether the popover is open by default when some inline content is selected.

When defaultOpen is true, the popover will open or close based on the inline selection. When defaultOpen is false, the popover will never be opened unless the open prop is true.

Default: true

dismissOnEscape?: boolean

Whether the inline popover should be dismissed when the editor receives an Escape key press.

Default: true

hide?: boolean

Default: true

inline?: boolean

Default: true

offset?: OffsetOptions

Default: 12

open?: boolean

Whether the popover is open.

Notice that the popover will be always hidden if the inline selection is empty.

Default: false

overflowPadding?: number

Default: 8

overlap?: boolean

Default: true

placement?: Placement

Default: "top"


Type: DefineSetupFnComponent<InlinePopoverProps & HTMLAttributes, InlinePopoverEmits>