Re-exported from prosemirror-view.
Decoration objects can be provided to the view through the decorations
prop. They come in several variants—see the static members of this class for details.
new Decoration(): Decoration
from: number
The start position of the decoration.
to: number
The end position. Will be the same as
for widget decorations. -
get spec(): any
The spec provided when creating this decoration. Can be useful if you’ve stored extra information in that object.
Creates an inline decoration, which adds the given attributes to each inline node between
.const inline: (from: number, to: number, attrs: DecorationAttrs, spec?: { inclusiveEnd?: boolean; inclusiveStart?: boolean; [key]: any }) => Decoration
Creates a node decoration.
should point precisely before and after a node in the document. That node, and only that node, will receive the given attributes.const node: (from: number, to: number, attrs: DecorationAttrs, spec?: any) => Decoration
Creates a widget decoration, which is a DOM node that’s shown in the document at the given position. It is recommended that you delay rendering the widget by passing a function that will be called when the widget is actually drawn in a view, but you can also directly pass a DOM node.
can be used to find the widget’s current document position.const widget: (pos: number, toDOM: WidgetConstructor, spec?: { destroy?: (node: Node) => void; ignoreSelection?: boolean; key?: string; marks?: readonly Mark[]; side?: number; stopEvent?: (event: Event) => boolean; [key]: any }) => Decoration
A collection of decorations, organized in such a way that the drawing algorithm can efficiently use and compare them. This is a persistent data structure—it is not modified, updates create a new value.
new DecorationSet(): DecorationSet
empty: DecorationSet
The empty set of decorations.
Add the given array of decorations to the ones in the set, producing a new set. Consumes the
array. Needs access to the current document to create the appropriate tree structure.const add: (doc: ProseMirrorNode, decorations: Decoration[]) => DecorationSet
Find all decorations in this set which touch the given range (including decorations that start or end directly at the boundaries) and match the given predicate on their spec. When
are omitted, all decorations in the set are considered. Whenpredicate
isn’t given, all decorations are assumed to match.const find: (start?: number, end?: number, predicate?: (spec: any) => boolean) => Decoration[]
Extract a DecorationSource containing decorations for the given child node at the given offset.
const forChild: (offset: number, node: ProseMirrorNode) => DecorationSet | DecorationGroup
Call the given function for each decoration set in the group.
const forEachSet: (f: (set: DecorationSet) => void) => void
Map the set of decorations in response to a change in the document.
const map: (mapping: Mapping, doc: ProseMirrorNode, options?: { onRemove?: (decorationSpec: any) => void }) => DecorationSet
Create a new set that contains the decorations in this set, minus the ones in the given array.
const remove: (decorations: Decoration[]) => DecorationSet
Create a set of decorations, using the structure of the given document. This will consume (modify) the
array, so you must make a copy if you want need to preserve that.const create: (doc: ProseMirrorNode, decorations: Decoration[]) => DecorationSet
An editor view manages the DOM structure that represents an editable document. Its state and behavior are determined by its props.
new EditorView(place: null | Node | ((editor: HTMLElement) => void) | ({ mount: HTMLElement }), props: DirectEditorProps): EditorView
dom: HTMLElement
An editable DOM node containing the document. (You probably should not directly interfere with its content.)
dragging: null | ({ move: boolean; slice: Slice })
When editor content is being dragged, this object contains information about the dragged slice and whether it is being copied or moved. At any other time, it is null.
editable: boolean
Indicates whether the editor is currently editable.
state: EditorState
The view’s current state.
get composing(): boolean
when a composition is active. -
get isDestroyed(): boolean
This is true when the view has been destroyed (and thus should not be used anymore).
get props(): DirectEditorProps
The view’s current props.
get root(): Document | ShadowRoot
Get the document root in which the editor exists. This will usually be the top-level
, but might be a shadow DOM root if the editor is inside one. -
Returns the viewport rectangle at a given document position.
will be the same number, as this returns a flat cursor-ish rectangle. If the position is between two things that aren’t directly adjacent,side
determines which element is used. When < 0, the element before the position is used, otherwise the element after.const coordsAtPos: (pos: number, side?: number) => { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }
Removes the editor from the DOM and destroys all node views.
const destroy: () => void
Dispatch a transaction. Will call
when given, and otherwise defaults to applying the transaction to the current state and callingupdateState
with the result. This method is bound to the view instance, so that it can be easily passed around.const dispatch: (tr: Transaction) => void
Used for testing.
const dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => void
Find the DOM position that corresponds to the given document position. When
is negative, find the position as close as possible to the content before the position. When positive, prefer positions close to the content after the position. When zero, prefer as shallow a position as possible.Note that you should not mutate the editor’s internal DOM, only inspect it (and even that is usually not necessary).
const domAtPos: (pos: number, side?: number) => { node: Node; offset: number }
Find out whether the selection is at the end of a textblock when moving in a given direction. When, for example, given
, it will return true if moving left from the current cursor position would leave that position’s parent textblock. Will apply to the view’s current state by default, but it is possible to pass a different state.const endOfTextblock: (dir: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right" | "forward" | "backward", state?: EditorState) => boolean
Focus the editor.
const focus: () => void
Query whether the view has focus.
const hasFocus: () => boolean
Find the DOM node that represents the document node after the given position. May return
when the position doesn’t point in front of a node or if the node is inside an opaque node view.This is intended to be able to call things like
on that DOM node. Do not mutate the editor DOM directly, or add styling this way, since that will be immediately overriden by the editor as it redraws the node.const nodeDOM: (pos: number) => null | Node
Run the editor’s paste logic with the given HTML string. The
, if given, will be passed to thehandlePaste
hook.const pasteHTML: (html: string, event?: ClipboardEvent) => boolean
Run the editor’s paste logic with the given plain-text input.
const pasteText: (text: string, event?: ClipboardEvent) => boolean
Given a pair of viewport coordinates, return the document position that corresponds to them. May return null if the given coordinates aren’t inside of the editor. When an object is returned, its
property is the position nearest to the coordinates, and itsinside
property holds the position of the inner node that the position falls inside of, or -1 if it is at the top level, not in any node.const posAtCoords: (coords: { left: number; top: number }) => null | ({ inside: number; pos: number })
Find the document position that corresponds to a given DOM position. (Whenever possible, it is preferable to inspect the document structure directly, rather than poking around in the DOM, but sometimes—for example when interpreting an event target—you don’t have a choice.)
parameter can be used to influence which side of a DOM node to use when the position is inside a leaf node.const posAtDOM: (node: Node, offset: number, bias?: number) => number
Serialize the given slice as it would be if it was copied from this editor. Returns a DOM element that contains a representation of the slice as its children, a textual representation, and the transformed slice (which can be different from the given input due to hooks like
).const serializeForClipboard: (slice: Slice) => { dom: HTMLElement; slice: Slice; text: string }
Update the view by updating existing props object with the object given as argument. Equivalent to
view.update(Object.assign({}, view.props, props))
.const setProps: (props: Partial<DirectEditorProps>) => void
Goes over the values of a prop, first those provided directly, then those from plugins given to the view, then from plugins in the state (in order), and calls
every time a non-undefined value is found. Whenf
returns a truthy value, that is immediately returned. Whenf
isn’t provided, it is treated as the identity function (the prop value is returned directly).const someProp: ((<PropName extends keyof EditorProps<any>, Result>(propName: PropName, f: (value: NonNullable<EditorProps<any>[PropName]>) => Result) => undefined | Result) | (<PropName extends keyof EditorProps<any>>(propName: PropName) => undefined | NonNullable<EditorProps<any>[PropName]>))
Update the view’s props. Will immediately cause an update to the DOM.
const update: (props: DirectEditorProps) => void
When an existing editor view is moved to a new document or shadow tree, call this to make it recompute its root.
const updateRoot: () => void
Update the editor’s
prop, without touching any of the other props.const updateState: (state: EditorState) => void
An object that can provide decorations. Implemented by DecorationSet
, and passed to node views.
map: (mapping: Mapping, node: ProseMirrorNode) => DecorationSource
Map the set of decorations in response to a change in the document.
Extract a DecorationSource containing decorations for the given child node at the given offset.
const forChild: (offset: number, child: ProseMirrorNode) => DecorationSource
Call the given function for each decoration set in the group.
const forEachSet: (f: (set: DecorationSet) => void) => void
The props object given directly to the editor view supports some fields that can’t be used in plugins:
attributes?: ({ [name]: string }) | ((state: EditorState) => { [name]: string })
Control the DOM attributes of the editable element. May be either an object or a function going from an editor state to an object. By default, the element will get a class
, and will have itscontentEditable
attribute determined by theeditable
prop. Additional classes provided here will be added to the class. For other attributes, the value provided first (as insomeProp
) will be used. -
clipboardParser?: DOMParser
The parser to use when reading content from the clipboard. When not given, the value of the
prop is used. -
clipboardSerializer?: DOMSerializer
The DOM serializer to use when putting content onto the clipboard. If not given, the result of
will be used. This object will only have itsserializeFragment
method called, and you may provide an alternative object type implementing a compatible method. -
clipboardTextParser?: (this: any, text: string, $context: ResolvedPos, plain: boolean, view: EditorView) => Slice
A function to parse text from the clipboard into a document slice. Called after
. The default behavior is to split the text into lines, wrap them in<p>
tags, and callclipboardParser
on it. Theplain
flag will be true when the text is pasted as plain text. -
clipboardTextSerializer?: (this: any, content: Slice, view: EditorView) => string
A function that will be called to get the text for the current selection when copying text to the clipboard. By default, the editor will use
on the selected range. -
createSelectionBetween?: (this: any, view: EditorView, anchor: ResolvedPos, head: ResolvedPos) => null | Selection
Can be used to override the way a selection is created when reading a DOM selection between the given anchor and head.
decorations?: (this: any, state: EditorState) => undefined | null | DecorationSource
A set of document decorations to show in the view.
dispatchTransaction?: (tr: Transaction) => void
The callback over which to send transactions (state updates) produced by the view. If you specify this, you probably want to make sure this ends up calling the view’s
method with a new state that has the transaction applied. The callback will be bound to have the view instance as itsthis
binding. -
domParser?: DOMParser
The parser to use when reading editor changes from the DOM. Defaults to calling
on the editor’s schema. -
editable?: (this: any, state: EditorState) => boolean
When this returns false, the content of the view is not directly editable.
handleClick?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is clicked, after
handlers have been called. -
handleClickOn?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a click, from the inside out. The
flag will be true for the inner node. -
handleDOMEvents?: { aria-ui/context-provider?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: ContextProviderEvent) => boolean | void; aria-ui/context-request?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: ContextRequestEvent<unknown>) => boolean | void; [key]: undefined | ((this: any, view: EditorView, event: any) => boolean | void) }
Can be an object mapping DOM event type names to functions that handle them. Such functions will be called before any handling ProseMirror does of events fired on the editable DOM element. Contrary to the other event handling props, when returning true from such a function, you are responsible for calling
yourself (or not, if you want to allow the default behavior). -
handleDoubleClick?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is double-clicked, after
. -
handleDoubleClickOn?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a double click.
handleDrop?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: DragEvent, slice: Slice, moved: boolean) => boolean | void
Called when something is dropped on the editor.
will be true if this drop moves from the current selection (which should thus be deleted). -
handleKeyDown?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor receives a
event. -
handleKeyPress?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean | void
Handler for
events. -
handlePaste?: (this: any, view: EditorView, event: ClipboardEvent, slice: Slice) => boolean | void
Can be used to override the behavior of pasting.
is the pasted content parsed by the editor, but you can directly access the event to get at the raw content. -
handleScrollToSelection?: (this: any, view: EditorView) => boolean
Called when the view, after updating its state, tries to scroll the selection into view. A handler function may return false to indicate that it did not handle the scrolling and further handlers or the default behavior should be tried.
handleTextInput?: (this: any, view: EditorView, from: number, to: number, text: string) => boolean | void
Whenever the user directly input text, this handler is called before the input is applied. If it returns
, the default behavior of actually inserting the text is suppressed. -
handleTripleClick?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is triple-clicked, after
. -
handleTripleClickOn?: (this: any, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a triple click.
markViews?: { [mark]: MarkViewConstructor }
Pass custom mark rendering functions. Note that these cannot provide the kind of dynamic behavior that node views can—they just provide custom rendering logic. The third argument indicates whether the mark’s content is inline.
nodeViews?: { [node]: NodeViewConstructor }
Allows you to pass custom rendering and behavior logic for nodes. Should map node names to constructor functions that produce a
object implementing the node’s display behavior. The third argumentgetPos
is a function that can be called to get the node’s current position, which can be useful when creating transactions to update it. Note that if the node is not in the document, the position returned by this function will beundefined
is an array of node or inline decorations that are active around the node. They are automatically drawn in the normal way, and you will usually just want to ignore this, but they can also be used as a way to provide context information to the node view without adding it to the document itself.innerDecorations
holds the decorations for the node’s content. You can safely ignore this if your view has no content or acontentDOM
property, since the editor will draw the decorations on the content. But if you, for example, want to create a nested editor with the content, it may make sense to provide it with the inner decorations.(For backwards compatibility reasons, mark views can also be included in this object.)
plugins?: readonly ProseMirrorPlugin<any>[]
A set of plugins to use in the view, applying their plugin view and props. Passing plugins with a state component (a state field field or a transaction filter or appender) will result in an error, since such plugins must be present in the state to work.
scrollMargin?: number | ({ bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number })
Determines the extra space (in pixels) that is left above or below the cursor when it is scrolled into view. Defaults to 5.
scrollThreshold?: number | ({ bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number })
Determines the distance (in pixels) between the cursor and the end of the visible viewport at which point, when scrolling the cursor into view, scrolling takes place. Defaults to 0.
state: EditorState
The current state of the editor.
transformCopied?: (this: any, slice: Slice, view: EditorView) => Slice
Can be used to transform copied or cut content before it is serialized to the clipboard.
transformPasted?: (this: any, slice: Slice, view: EditorView) => Slice
Can be used to transform pasted or dragged-and-dropped content before it is applied to the document.
transformPastedHTML?: (this: any, html: string, view: EditorView) => string
Can be used to transform pasted HTML text, before it is parsed, for example to clean it up.
transformPastedText?: (this: any, text: string, plain: boolean, view: EditorView) => string
Transform pasted plain text. The
flag will be true when the text is pasted as plain text.
Helper type that maps event names to event object types, but includes events that TypeScript’s HTMLElementEventMap doesn’t know about.
aria-ui/context-provider: ContextProviderEvent
aria-ui/context-request: ContextRequestEvent<unknown>
Props are configuration values that can be passed to an editor view or included in a plugin. This interface lists the supported props.
The various event-handling functions may all return true
to indicate that they handled the given event. The view will then take care to call preventDefault
on the event, except with handleDOMEvents
, where the handler itself is responsible for that.
How a prop is resolved depends on the prop. Handler functions are called one at a time, starting with the base props and then searching through the plugins (in order of appearance) until one of them returns true. For some props, the first plugin that yields a value gets precedence.
The optional type parameter refers to the type of this
in prop functions, and is used to pass in the plugin type when defining a plugin.
attributes?: ({ [name]: string }) | ((state: EditorState) => { [name]: string })
Control the DOM attributes of the editable element. May be either an object or a function going from an editor state to an object. By default, the element will get a class
, and will have itscontentEditable
attribute determined by theeditable
prop. Additional classes provided here will be added to the class. For other attributes, the value provided first (as insomeProp
) will be used. -
clipboardParser?: DOMParser
The parser to use when reading content from the clipboard. When not given, the value of the
prop is used. -
clipboardSerializer?: DOMSerializer
The DOM serializer to use when putting content onto the clipboard. If not given, the result of
will be used. This object will only have itsserializeFragment
method called, and you may provide an alternative object type implementing a compatible method. -
clipboardTextParser?: (this: P, text: string, $context: ResolvedPos, plain: boolean, view: EditorView) => Slice
A function to parse text from the clipboard into a document slice. Called after
. The default behavior is to split the text into lines, wrap them in<p>
tags, and callclipboardParser
on it. Theplain
flag will be true when the text is pasted as plain text. -
clipboardTextSerializer?: (this: P, content: Slice, view: EditorView) => string
A function that will be called to get the text for the current selection when copying text to the clipboard. By default, the editor will use
on the selected range. -
createSelectionBetween?: (this: P, view: EditorView, anchor: ResolvedPos, head: ResolvedPos) => null | Selection
Can be used to override the way a selection is created when reading a DOM selection between the given anchor and head.
decorations?: (this: P, state: EditorState) => undefined | null | DecorationSource
A set of document decorations to show in the view.
domParser?: DOMParser
The parser to use when reading editor changes from the DOM. Defaults to calling
on the editor’s schema. -
editable?: (this: P, state: EditorState) => boolean
When this returns false, the content of the view is not directly editable.
handleClick?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is clicked, after
handlers have been called. -
handleClickOn?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a click, from the inside out. The
flag will be true for the inner node. -
handleDOMEvents?: { aria-ui/context-provider?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: ContextProviderEvent) => boolean | void; aria-ui/context-request?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: ContextRequestEvent<unknown>) => boolean | void; [key]: undefined | ((this: P, view: EditorView, event: any) => boolean | void) }
Can be an object mapping DOM event type names to functions that handle them. Such functions will be called before any handling ProseMirror does of events fired on the editable DOM element. Contrary to the other event handling props, when returning true from such a function, you are responsible for calling
yourself (or not, if you want to allow the default behavior). -
handleDoubleClick?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is double-clicked, after
. -
handleDoubleClickOn?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a double click.
handleDrop?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: DragEvent, slice: Slice, moved: boolean) => boolean | void
Called when something is dropped on the editor.
will be true if this drop moves from the current selection (which should thus be deleted). -
handleKeyDown?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor receives a
event. -
handleKeyPress?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean | void
Handler for
events. -
handlePaste?: (this: P, view: EditorView, event: ClipboardEvent, slice: Slice) => boolean | void
Can be used to override the behavior of pasting.
is the pasted content parsed by the editor, but you can directly access the event to get at the raw content. -
handleScrollToSelection?: (this: P, view: EditorView) => boolean
Called when the view, after updating its state, tries to scroll the selection into view. A handler function may return false to indicate that it did not handle the scrolling and further handlers or the default behavior should be tried.
handleTextInput?: (this: P, view: EditorView, from: number, to: number, text: string) => boolean | void
Whenever the user directly input text, this handler is called before the input is applied. If it returns
, the default behavior of actually inserting the text is suppressed. -
handleTripleClick?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) => boolean | void
Called when the editor is triple-clicked, after
. -
handleTripleClickOn?: (this: P, view: EditorView, pos: number, node: ProseMirrorNode, nodePos: number, event: MouseEvent, direct: boolean) => boolean | void
Called for each node around a triple click.
markViews?: { [mark]: MarkViewConstructor }
Pass custom mark rendering functions. Note that these cannot provide the kind of dynamic behavior that node views can—they just provide custom rendering logic. The third argument indicates whether the mark’s content is inline.
nodeViews?: { [node]: NodeViewConstructor }
Allows you to pass custom rendering and behavior logic for nodes. Should map node names to constructor functions that produce a
object implementing the node’s display behavior. The third argumentgetPos
is a function that can be called to get the node’s current position, which can be useful when creating transactions to update it. Note that if the node is not in the document, the position returned by this function will beundefined
is an array of node or inline decorations that are active around the node. They are automatically drawn in the normal way, and you will usually just want to ignore this, but they can also be used as a way to provide context information to the node view without adding it to the document itself.innerDecorations
holds the decorations for the node’s content. You can safely ignore this if your view has no content or acontentDOM
property, since the editor will draw the decorations on the content. But if you, for example, want to create a nested editor with the content, it may make sense to provide it with the inner decorations.(For backwards compatibility reasons, mark views can also be included in this object.)
scrollMargin?: number | ({ bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number })
Determines the extra space (in pixels) that is left above or below the cursor when it is scrolled into view. Defaults to 5.
scrollThreshold?: number | ({ bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number })
Determines the distance (in pixels) between the cursor and the end of the visible viewport at which point, when scrolling the cursor into view, scrolling takes place. Defaults to 0.
transformCopied?: (this: P, slice: Slice, view: EditorView) => Slice
Can be used to transform copied or cut content before it is serialized to the clipboard.
transformPasted?: (this: P, slice: Slice, view: EditorView) => Slice
Can be used to transform pasted or dragged-and-dropped content before it is applied to the document.
transformPastedHTML?: (this: P, html: string, view: EditorView) => string
Can be used to transform pasted HTML text, before it is parsed, for example to clean it up.
transformPastedText?: (this: P, text: string, plain: boolean, view: EditorView) => string
Transform pasted plain text. The
flag will be true when the text is pasted as plain text.
By default, document marks are rendered using the result of the toDOM
method of their spec, and managed entirely by the editor. For some use cases, you want more control over the behavior of a mark’s in-editor representation, and need to define a custom mark view.
Objects returned as mark views must conform to this interface.
contentDOM?: null | HTMLElement
The DOM node that should hold the mark’s content. When this is not present, the
property is used as the content DOM. -
destroy?: () => void
Called when the mark view is removed from the editor or the whole editor is destroyed.
dom: Node
The outer DOM node that represents the document node.
ignoreMutation?: (mutation: ViewMutationRecord) => boolean
Called when a mutation happens within the view. Return false if the editor should re-read the selection or re-parse the range around the mutation, true if it can safely be ignored.
By default, document nodes are rendered using the result of the toDOM
method of their spec, and managed entirely by the editor. For some use cases, such as embedded node-specific editing interfaces, you want more control over the behavior of a node’s in-editor representation, and need to define a custom node view.
Objects returned as node views must conform to this interface.
contentDOM?: null | HTMLElement
The DOM node that should hold the node’s content. Only meaningful if the node view also defines a
property and if its node type is not a leaf node type. When this is present, ProseMirror will take care of rendering the node’s children into it. When it is not present, the node view itself is responsible for rendering (or deciding not to render) its child nodes. -
deselectNode?: () => void
When defining a
method, you should also provide adeselectNode
method to remove the effect again. -
destroy?: () => void
Called when the node view is removed from the editor or the whole editor is destroyed.
dom: Node
The outer DOM node that represents the document node.
ignoreMutation?: (mutation: ViewMutationRecord) => boolean
Called when a mutation happens within the view. Return false if the editor should re-read the selection or re-parse the range around the mutation, true if it can safely be ignored.
multiType?: boolean
By default,
will only be called when a node of the same node type appears in this view’s position. When you set this to true, it will be called for any node, making it possible to have a node view that representsmultiple types of nodes. You will need to check the type of the nodes you get inupdate
and returnfalse
for types you cannot handle. -
selectNode?: () => void
Can be used to override the way the node’s selected status (as a node selection) is displayed.
setSelection?: (anchor: number, head: number, root: Document | ShadowRoot) => void
This will be called to handle setting the selection inside the node. The
positions are relative to the start of the node. By default, a DOM selection will be created between the DOM positions corresponding to those positions, but if you override it you can do something else. -
stopEvent?: (event: Event) => boolean
Can be used to prevent the editor view from trying to handle some or all DOM events that bubble up from the node view. Events for which this returns true are not handled by the editor.
update?: (node: ProseMirrorNode, decorations: readonly Decoration[], innerDecorations: DecorationSource) => boolean
When given, this will be called when the view is updating itself. It will be given a node, an array of active decorations around the node (which are automatically drawn, and the node view may ignore if it isn’t interested in them), and a decoration source that represents any decorations that apply to the content of the node (which again may be ignored). It should return true if it was able to update to that node, and false otherwise. If the node view has a
property (or nodom
property), updating its child nodes will be handled by ProseMirror.
A set of attributes to add to a decorated node. Most properties simply directly correspond to DOM attributes of the same name, which will be set to the property’s value. These are exceptions:
Type: { class?: string; nodeName?: string; style?: string; [attribute]: undefined | string }
The function types used to create mark views.
Type: (mark: Mark, view: EditorView, inline: boolean) => MarkView
The type of function provided to create node views.
Type: (node: ProseMirrorNode, view: EditorView, getPos: () => number | undefined, decorations: readonly Decoration[], innerDecorations: DecorationSource) => NodeView
A ViewMutationRecord represents a DOM mutation or a selection change happens within the view. When the change is a selection change, the record will have a type
property of "selection"
(which doesn’t occur for native mutation records).
Type: MutationRecord | ({ target: DOMNode; type: "selection" })