Re-exported from prosemirror-history.
function closeHistory(tr: Transaction): Transaction
Set a flag on the given transaction that will prevent further steps from being appended to an existing history event (so that they require a separate undo command to undo).
function history(config?: HistoryOptions): ProseMirrorPlugin
Returns a plugin that enables the undo history for an editor. The plugin will track undo and redo stacks, which can be used with the undo
and redo
You can set an "addToHistory"
metadata property of false
on a transaction to prevent it from being rolled back by undo.
A command function that redoes the last undone change, if any.
function redo(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void, view?: EditorView): boolean
function redoDepth(state: EditorState): any
The amount of redoable events available in a given editor state.
A command function that redoes the last undone change. Don’t scroll the selection into view.
function redoNoScroll(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void, view?: EditorView): boolean
A command function that undoes the last change, if any.
function undo(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void, view?: EditorView): boolean
function undoDepth(state: EditorState): any
The amount of undoable events available in a given state.
A command function that undoes the last change. Don’t scroll the selection into view.
function undoNoScroll(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void, view?: EditorView): boolean