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import 'prosekit/basic/style.css'

import { createEditor } from 'prosekit/core'
import { ProseKit } from 'prosekit/react'
import { useMemo } from 'react'

import BlockHandle from './block-handle'
import { defineExtension } from './extension'

const defaultContent = `
<h1>Heading Level 1</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph under heading level 1. Markdown allows you to write text easily with simple syntax.</p>
<h2>Heading Level 2</h2>
<p>Here's a paragraph under heading level 2 with <strong>bold text</strong>, <em>italic text</em>, and a <a href="">link to OpenAI</a>.</p>
<h3>Heading Level 3</h3>
<p>This paragraph is under heading level 3. You can also include <code>inline code</code> for small snippets of code.</p>
  <p>Blockquote: This is a blockquote example.</p>
    <p>Nested Blockquote: You can nest blockquotes to represent different levels of quoted text.</p>
<p>Another paragraph after the blockquote to demonstrate spacing.</p>
<h4>Unordered List</h4>
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2
      <li>Subitem 2.1</li>
      <li>Subitem 2.2</li>
<h4>Ordered List</h4>
  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item
      <li>Subitem 2.1</li>
      <li>Subitem 2.2</li>
<h3>Code Block</h3>
<p>You can also include code blocks:</p>
<pre data-language="python"><code>def hello_world():
    print("Hello, world!")
<p>This is a paragraph after a horizontal rule.</p>


export default function Editor() {
  const editor = useMemo(() => {
    const extension = defineExtension()
    return createEditor({ extension, defaultContent })
  }, [])

  return (
    <ProseKit editor={editor}>
      <div className='box-border h-full w-full min-h-36 overflow-y-hidden overflow-x-hidden rounded-md border border-solid border-gray-200 shadow dark:border-zinc-700 flex flex-col bg-white dark:bg-neutral-900'>
        <div className='relative w-full flex-1 box-border overflow-y-scroll'>
          <div ref={editor.mount} className='ProseMirror box-border min-h-full px-[max(4rem,_calc(50%-20rem))] py-8 outline-none outline-0 [&_span[data-mention="user"]]:text-blue-500 [&_span[data-mention="tag"]]:text-violet-500'></div>
import { defineBasicExtension } from 'prosekit/basic'
import { union } from 'prosekit/core'
import { defineCodeBlock } from 'prosekit/extensions/code-block'

export function defineExtension() {
  return union([defineBasicExtension(), defineCodeBlock()])

export type EditorExtension = ReturnType<typeof defineExtension>
import {
} from 'prosekit/react/block-handle'

export default function BlockHandle() {
  return (
    <BlockHandlePopover className='flex items-center flex-row box-border justify-center transition border-0 [&:not([data-state])]:hidden will-change-transform data-[state=open]:animate-in data-[state=closed]:animate-out data-[state=open]:fade-in-0 data-[state=closed]:fade-out-0 data-[state=open]:zoom-in-95 data-[state=closed]:zoom-out-95 data-[state=open]:animate-duration-150 data-[state=closed]:animate-duration-200'>
      <BlockHandleAdd className='flex items-center box-border justify-center h-[1.5em] w-[1.5em] hover:bg-zinc-100 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800 rounded text-zinc-500/50 dark:text-zinc-500/50 cursor-pointer'>
        <div className='i-lucide-plus h-5 w-5' />
      <BlockHandleDraggable className='flex items-center box-border justify-center h-[1.5em] w-[1.2em] hover:bg-zinc-100 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800 rounded text-zinc-500/50 dark:text-zinc-500/50 cursor-grab'>
        <div className='i-lucide-grip-vertical h-5 w-5' />